Older People

Music can trigger long forgotten memories and reduce anxiety. Music has been proven to promote better health and a higher level of functioning. From just listening to beautiful music or a good old singalong session.

Working in conjunction with local groups we can hold sessions in either care homes or in a community setting.

Care Homes

A recent review on the Impact of Participatory Arts on Older People, (by the Mental Health Foundation commissioned and funded by the Baring Foundation) acknowledges the value for people taking part in arts programmes including:

  • improved communication between residents and between residents and staff
  • a sense of self-identity and a feeling of being valued
  • positive effects on physical wellbeing through taking part in singing
  • enhanced opportunities for individual care by using the music sessions as a way of increasing staff knowledge of each person in their care

In the Community

A prominent challenge for older people in the community is loneliness and social isolation. A “Songs and Scones” sessions can address this issue, bringing together older people in the community for social and musical sessions, making them feel valued members of society and enabling them to meet new people.

Our project may just kick-start a regular session or be part of your current programme.

Sessions last from 1 to 3 hours and are designed jointly between your group and ourselves. For more information on holding a project please contact Paul Robinson (Director) via email at: paul@glyndwrensemble.com or by phone on 077305 85067